Last week the CHILIS Conference and Kids, Books and the Arts showcase took place on a day fraught with threatening weather predictions and potentially difficult driving conditions. Many people asked me why we didn’t re-schedule or why we chose an early March date for the event.
When presenters apply for the Kids, Books and the Arts showcase, they must commit to being present on a particular date. If we had tried to re-schedule the conference at the last minute, it would have been very difficult to find a date that worked for all of the presenters, let alone find another venue that suited our needs. The performing hall at SNHU is only available to us during their spring break, which happens to occur–at least in recent years–during the first week of March. We could perhaps use a different hall at SNHU later in March, but it seats fewer people and the parking is much more challenging. We have also looked at other possible venues besides SNHU, but so far we have not found anything that compares in terms of price and performing space.
If we found another appropriate venue for later in the spring and held the showcase in April, then Kids, Books and the Arts grant applications would be due considerably later and grant notifications would not take place until late April or early May. As it is, librarians have expressed concern that the current schedule (applications due late March and grant notifications sent in early April) make it hard to secure popular presenters who are often booked much earlier in the year. And, we have held a spring conference in early April and we had the worst weather we’ve ever experienced–a wet, heavy snowstorm which resulted in no power for the first hour at the conference venue.
One idea I have for eliminating (or reducing) the risk of weather issues is to hold only one CHILIS Conference each year–in October. The morning would be devoted to one or two programs and the afternoon would be reserved for the showcase. It is difficult to pull off two conferences each year, and attendance has been dropping at the fall conference. It may be time to consider this option. We would have one year where we would have to hold the KBA showcase both in the spring and the fall (and the fundraising for the program would be tricky), but it could be done.
Please offer your suggestions. The conferences and KBA program are for you and we need to figure out the best solution together! For the first three people who post a reply, I will send you a free children’s book!
One fall conference sounds like the best idea ever! Makes a whole lot of sense.
“Yankee Frugal Me” says, “Yes, one conference a year will save our budgets in conference fees and mileage .”
“Practical Me ‘ thinks that it will be very early to start thinking about summer reading.
“Procrastinator Me” wants to wait and see…
If you don’t think I am being helpful, remember this: Frugal wins at home and at the library
I love the idea of one conference and in addition to the benefits already noted, it would be one less thing to worry about from a staffing viewpoint at our library!
I always enjoy the conferences, but the idea of one per year makes a lot of sense. I noticed that there were far fewer people at the Showcase than in previous years.