National Runaway Prevention Month – November

I wanted to share some resources for you to help support the youth in your community during National Runaway Prevention Month.

The National Runaway Safeline has some great resources, including:

-Free Educational and Outreach Materials:

-Presentations about the National Runaway Prevention Month for the community, social media posts and more.

-Runaway Prevention Curriculum. “a free, evidence-based, interactive, 14 module curriculum intended to educate young people about alternatives to running away as well as to build life skills so that youth can resolve problems without resorting to running away or unsafe behavior.”

-They also have prevention specialists that will lead a virtual youth group discussion:

Also there is an excellent article on Webjunction: This is a great opportunity to network with social service agencies and homeless prevention programs.  


1 in 10 young adults (age 18 to 25) and 1 in 30 minors (age 13-17) experienced unaccompanied homelessness in a one-year period. This translates to approximately 3.5 million young adults and 700,000 minors (Morton et al, 2017)