Seacoast Science Center’s Offerings

Subject: Free Community Resources

Dear Library Partners and Friends,

It is my pleasure to share Seacoast Science Center’s growing library of free digital resources, all newly designed to support the changing needs of families and educators. These nature-based lessons and activities are freely accessible on the SSC website and new ones are created and delivered monthly via our email newsletter. Anyone can join our mailing list to stay current with new videos and activities. 

Museums, libraries, science and nature centers and other learning providers OUTSIDE the classroom all comprise an ecosystem of learning to support our children, and ultimately, strengthen our community. In times like these, community is important. We love learning and exploring in person with students, families and visitors, but for now, our naturalists will come to you virtually! 

We hope you and your members and patrons enjoy these curated collections of free activities, videos, links and lessons designed to support at-home learning, empower children to investigate nature, and help families find respite from today’s challenges. 

There is one big Ocean that connects us all. Together we can support each other, and we encourage you to help us spread our message of ocean health and ocean conservation by passing this resource along to your members and networks and asking them to sign up to receive our weekly updates

Warm Wishes, 

Kate Leavitt

Director of Mission 

Seacoast Science Center